EKOsystems Services LLP

EKOsystems Services ltd. is an environmental consultancy focusing on all major groups of invertebrates. We provide our services throughout North America and Australasia. Our expertise includes freshwater, marine, terrestrial, and ground water environments. We offer ecological support services ranging from population and target species surveys to taxonomy, genetics and species identification and verification.

12 February 2013

Sea slug with detachable penis, wows scientists!
It's not enough that the salacious sea slug, Chromodoris reticulata (G. reticulata), is a simultaneous hermaphrodite, but Japanese researchers have just found out that this species can detach and regrow itself a new penis.  

C. reticulata
Although it is not the only species to lose or detach its penis after sex, but as far as researchers can determine, C. reticulata, is the only species that can regenerate its own penis, and within 24 hours! Their penises, have spines on them, and it may be that the first penis serves as a survival mechanism by removing any previous competitor's sperm. The second penis can then inject its sperm insuring that their genes are being passed on.  To read more about this amazing animal, go HERE.

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